Sunday, August 17, 2014

Puppy Party: The twins turn 2.

We had a wonderful time celebrating the twins turning two with some of our wonderful Texas friends. We threw the party at church and I was so busy getting ready for the party I didn't take lots of detail shots. My sweet friend Mindy was amazing for picking up my camera and taking shots while I was hosting but I had my 50mm fixed lens on my camera (NOT good for a party) with all my other lenses at home, and with the poor lighting, I didn't get very many good shots but I will post what I have! 
We had two slide shows going on two giant tv's in the room, one of various puppies and the other of our precious twin's most recent year of life. We had pin the tale on the puppy, a puppy piƱata, a puppy photo booth and a spread of yummy "puppy treats." I ordered a cake and it turned out NOTHING like I asked, the monogram on top was pitiful and I think the cake was air brushed. That was a diappointment but everything else went great!  It was low key and fun but can I just say, I am glad I only have to do that once a year? It take lots and lots of time and thought and preparation but my sweet little two year olds are worth it! Thanks to all our loved ones that came to celebrate. We love each of you and are thankful that you each pour truth into the lives of Jack Henry and Hadley and help them grow closer to Christ. 

1 comment:

  1. So precious Kathleen! Love all the details and it looks like they had a blast.
