Wednesday, November 5, 2014

My bump so far

They say you show more your second time around, and I think since I was stretched to maximum capacity with the twins, my body knew JUST what to do. That, and the muscle separation I still have allows nothing to be held back, which is why I started wearing my maternity band at 8 weeks this time around. I don't think I had to wear my band until 10 weeks with the twins. I think its so fun to show and sport the baby bump so I wasn't sad when it decided to show up so early. Here is my growing belly so far..  

8 Weeks

9 Weeks

10 Weeks 

11 Weeks 


  1. Look at that growing belly. How precious. You look great!! Grow baby grow. :)'

  2. Did u have an ultrasound yet? I'm currently pregnant with twins and found out they were twins at 7 weeks! Exciting! Congrats!
