Thursday, February 12, 2015

27 weeks with Walker...

I am feeling really good this last week of my 2nd trimester. I can really notice a difference in my belly with the twins this week versus just carrying one this time. It has started to slow down compared to the twins, which was starting to get pretty intense around this time. Don't get me wrong, my belly seems MUCH bigger than most people carrying one baby at 27 weeks, but I wouldn't change it for anything. I think some people just show more. 

Maternity Clothes? All Maternity and some of it is getting too short for my big belly! 

Stretch Marks? Still none! WHoo hoo!

Sleep? Still good!

Movement? Moving TONS and kicking hard! 

Cravings? About to eat at a steakhouse for Valentines Day and potatoes are calling my name!

Gender? Boy 

Belly Button In or Out? Out!

Symptoms: Light heartburn and some leg cramps, starting to get winded a little bit walking. 

Best moment of the week? It will be tomorrow when we get to see him on ultrasound. Maybe we can see him finally. He has been facing my back every time and we have had no 4D ultrasound yet! 

What I am looking forward to: Tomorrow's appointment. (1 hr glucose screening I am not looking forward too) Tomorrow starts the 3rd trimester! 

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