32 Weeks

Thursday, July 5, 2012

32 weeks has come! Another milestone, as I can now deliver at Mercy Hospital Fairfield, our intended hospital, which is a level 2 NICU rather than level 3. In fact, its really just a special care nursery. We are so thrilled knowing our babies would be okay if born now. Of course this is still VERY premature and they would probably have some respiratory issues as well as feeding issues so we want them cooking for another month at least. I am feeling HUGE! My belly is just getting so gigantic but I remind myself that I have two sweet blessings growing inside me and that the end is coming near. It is not "miserable" yet at all, just moments of discomfort. Again, this pregnancy has been a dream. 

Stretch Marks? Yes, I have seen a few more but again, still nothing horrible.

Sleep? This week sleep was better!

Movement? They are getting more crowded in there so I can feel the rolling of elbows and knees more than punches or kicks.

Cravings? I had a strawberry cream slush from SONIC with my sister in law that was AMAZING.

Gender? Boy and girl

Belly Button In or Out? Out!

Symptoms: I think the babies have dropped a tiny bit this week. At times, my feet are starting to swell pretty big. I just try to stay off of them and keep them propped and drink lots of water, it usually helps.

Best moment of the week? Family time.

What I am looking forward to: Our ultrasound and biophysical is in just a couple of hours! 


Prayers would be greatly appreciated. My brother in law, Matt, was hit in a head on collision on Tuesday. He broke his pelvis, and fractured a couple of vertebrae as well. He has traction going through his leg and is awaiting surgery. We originally thought surgery would take place Friday, now there is some talk that they may wait until next tuesday or wednesday. He is basically just lying in bed awaiting his surgery date so of course the sooner the better, as his wife has to juggle her three children and being with her husband too. We are so appreciative of all prayers. Prayers for complete healing, patience and peace. We give glory to God that he survived this accident and put our full trust in him. Here is a picture of the car he was in... 

1 comment:

  1. Im praying for your bro. I hope hes ok, Kathleen.
    My wife is Katy, almost like your name hehehe

    best wishes for you, husband and kids


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