30 Weeks

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wow, I have read from a lot of other twin Mom's that week 30 is when it starts to get INSANE and well, they are right! Physically, it is very hard to get comfortable, especially when trying to sleep and doing ANYTHING these days feels like I ran a marathon, but EVERY uncomfortable moment is SO unbelievably worth it. I am so thankful to God that He is allowing me to carry these two precious blessings. I know each week will get harder until they are born but I want my babies as big and healthy as possible. Just about 6-8 weeks more! Thank you Lord for getting them this far and please continue to let them grow and grow. 

Maternity Clothes? Getting harder to wear maternity cloths, getting small!

Stretch Marks? They have arrived. Nothing horrible yet.

Sleep? Not good at all. Very painful ribs and painful tummy. 

Movement? Lots :) And Love every little move!

Cravings? Not really anything specific this week.

Gender? Boy and girl

Belly Button In or Out? Out!

Symptoms: Painful ribs and belly, hard to get comfortable lying down, lungs can't fully expand.

Best moment of the week? Spending time with Luke and my family.

What I am looking forward to: Our glider gets delivered tomorrow and our next appointment is Wednesday 27th, we get another ultrasound :)


  1. Awesome :)
    God Bless you and Luke.

  2. Yes, my wife's belly is insane hehe The boys are moving their little bodies all the time and strength. Sometimes we can see small strokes that comes from inside hehe Oh, she can not sleep anymore, how did you sleep?


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