11 Weeks...

Monday, October 29, 2012

11 weeks and we have... babies who sleep through the night!!!! Our sweet babies are sleeping through the night now, 10-7, 9-6, 10:30-8 have been our last three nights! We are so thankful for such angels! I have doctor appointment details and a Louisville trip to blog about next but for now, here are some pictures I took during their eleventh week (excuse Hadley' slobbered onesie)...


  1. They get more beautiful by the day!
    Congrats on the sleeping through the night. Amazing angels indeed!

  2. What size are those chubs wearing these days? ;) Sooooooo adorable! Little Jesse definitely needs to borrow JH's road trip onesie. And way to go, mama! I knew those babies would be sleeping through the night any day now with all the hard work you're putting in.

  3. Sweet, sweet, sweet!!! And yahoo for sleeping through the night... I don't think Scarlett did that until she was almost 2 years old. Ha! Way to go, Kathleen! And I just love the little captions on their onesies... they seem so fitting for each of them :)


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