One month!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

I can't believe that my babies are one month old! It is true what everyone says about time flying by. I have been so blessed to soak up each day with these sweet ones and I am just trying to absorb each and every moment! They have changed so much already in these four weeks and have grown so much. They have a doctors appointment on 9/17, so I will have a better gage as far as their weight goes.
I fall in love with them more and more each day which doesn't seem possible and just can't believe how much Luke and I could love two littles! My heart is overwhelmed with joy and we give glory to the Lord for our sweet family of four.

The babies are on a fabulous 3 hour schedule and are just sweet angels! They go 4-5 hours between their night feeding and I would definitely say that with twins, you should keep your babies on the SAME schedule :) 
I also have been exclusively breast feeding these little twinks and that is going so very well... I will have to do a whole post on this one!
We also went to a friend's wedding on Friday night, our first little night away from the babies. We missed them while we were out but it was nice to have a little date night! 


  1. Happy One Month! Love their cuddly poses :) and their long fingers & toes. It looks like they always have their arms moving and playing! You look GORGEOUS and I'm so glad you and Luke were able to go on a little date- so important! Love you all

  2. I cannot believe they are already a month old! They looks big and chubby, I can't wait to hear how much they weigh now. They are so stinking adorable it's just hard to stop looking at their pictures over and over again. I love the picture of the two of them on the chair with Hadley lounging against JH. Everyone looks happy and healthy and it seems like the adjustment has gone smoothly. Yay for a successful schedule so far and for little twinkies that eat and sleep like good little children :)

  3. Would like to confirm that I am, indeed, a native English speaker. Totally did not mean to type, " they looks big...". ;)

  4. Those babies are so precious! I can't believe mine is a month old either - it does fly by! I'm a tad envious of your schedule becase we aren't so much there yet...all in due time though, right? I'm just dying to hear all about your nursing because I thought nursing one was a challenge so I'm super impressed with you new Mommy! I love all the onesie sticker photos - you've got some photography talent ~ gorgeous photos. Glad all is going so well and you even managed to get out with your hubby!

  5. I started following your blog since I saw your post or a post on the Skeptical Mother group on Facebook. I have read many of your posts in search of advice and to see what I am looking forward to. I'm the same age and expecting boy/girl twins in 3 and a half months. Thank you for taking the time to write this blog. I have read your posts in search of advice and to see that the trials I am going through are not just me, but that it comes with the experience of having two babies at once. Your children are adorable and I look forward to reading more.

  6. Hi, did you ever wrote your post on breastfeeding twins? I've tried to look for it but can't find it. I have one-month old twins and I'm still struggling on how to feed them both. I'd love to read your experience if it's out there. Thanks!


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