The last few weeks...

Saturday, February 9, 2013

 Wearing their "delivered by Dr.Johnson" shirts We took a shot of them to give to my doctor when I had my annual appointment with him a couple weeks ago:)

My little ham is really discovering his tongue :)... 

And while I do have angel babies... I wanted to show you the reality that is having twins sometimes... when both babies want to be held, and there is only one of you. Luke opened the door to find me like this... no make up, still in my bath robe (well past noon) with a baby in a carrier and one on my hip. That is our day sometimes, but I wouldn't change it for anything! 
Jack Henry discovered his feet...

Real men wear pink.

My gorgeous girl...


  1. Love all the CD pics - my Mom always teased me after I started that I never took pics of Ave with her clothes on and I said "well, there's just not much cuter than a cloth diaper booty!"

  2. I am currently 39 weeks pregnant and I've got a 3 year old and a 20 month old. This pregnancy has been HARD. I must admit that I've been so stressed with pregnancy and mommying that I really haven't thought much about how sweet it is to have a new little one. Your pictures of your two littles just refreshed my memory:). Thank you for the sweet reminder!

  3. these pictures are precious! there is one of jack henry where i feel like he looks so much like his Uncle Matt! and Hadley is beautiful! Thanks for sharing :)

  4. I'm amazed that you EVER have time for a shower or make-up (good thing you're so beautiful without it!). They show more personality with every post. What a joy. Thanks for sharing their sweetness with us.

  5. Cute!! I'm so impressed by how well you capture each of their sweet little expressions! And they are looking adorable in their cloth diapers:). Oh and we love our city mini!! I hope to get a double too!

  6. Oh my! As usual, your pictures and blog are wonderful! I love being 'part' of your world!

  7. I absolutely adore your blog. It is such an uplifting little space in blog world.


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