Telling Luke and my Parents I was expecting...
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Finding out the week of Christmas that God gave us the BEST gift of all was SO very fun! It was a great time to find out because we had the chance to see all our family and tell them in fun ways!
Telling Luke...
I was sleeping the afternoon away on Sunday 12/18 the day I officially found out, when I heard Luke come in our condo around 3pm. When I sleep before going in to work ( I work 7pm-7am twice a week) I usually sleep until 4pm but when I heard him come home, my heart started BEATING OUT OF MY CHEST! I casually came down stairs and sat down on the couch and made some small talk. "How was church?" "Where'd you eat lunch?" and the like. He was playing video games so I knew the moment wasn't right :) I asked if the game he was playing could be his last... he said sure and when he finished playing I told him I had a Christmas present for him. I told him it was Christmas-related so having it be the week of Christmas now, he needed to open it. Earlier that morning I had wrapped a little gift that I bought at Target a couple days earlier when I had a feeling we MIGHT be pregnant. I didn't want to spend a lot incase we weren't expecting. I went under the tree and he opened these up...
Simple... just little Christmas socks. As luke opened them up he was in complete shock and filled with SO much joy! We praised God, hugged forever, I cried, and I spend the next hour before I had to go into work, filling him in on the past 24 hours of finding out! We were elated and so thankful! I can honestly say telling my husband I was pregnant will go down as one of my all time most precious and special memories of my life.
Telling my parents...
In October 2011 my mom called me one day while I was driving in my car and told me she and my dad purchased something for future grandchildren. I told her she really shouldn't do that because who knows what God had in mind for us. It might take another year before becoming pregnant. But I couldn't help but get so excited on how excited she was to buy a "christmas pickle." I had never heard of a christmas pickle, but my parents were in the Fresh Market and found a little ornament shaped like a pickle that you hide in your christmas tree on Christmas morning. It is a German tradition and whichever child finds the pickle first receives a special gift. She thought it would be a fun tradition to have at their "grandparents" home. I thought it was sweet and over the next few weeks she kept calling my future baby (not yet conceived) her "little pickle." It became a little nickname she had for baby, so I knew exactly how we would tell my parents! We were headed into Louisville to visit my parents and other family that tuesday before Christmas (I found out on a Sunday) so waiting 48 hours to tell my parents was SO difficult, especially talking to my mom over the phone and having to keep it a secret! We came to their house pretty late and they were already in bed, asleep. We had to wake them up! We walked into their bed room, turned on the light and Luke walked in holding a big jar of pickles that we tied a red bow around! My dad "got it" away, it took my mom a minute as she was still half asleep. My dad loves pickles so my mom thought we were bringing him some for christmas! She finally got it and it was so sweet to see how thrilled they were! They were shocked and SO excited and definitely decided this was the best Christmas present they could ask for. We stayed up for an hour or so telling them all the details and just rejoicing in God's goodness!
That week we told my whole family! On Wednesday we told my 89 year old grandmother which was so very special (first great grandchild). I only took a few pictures, here are some from that night...
Telling Luke...
I was sleeping the afternoon away on Sunday 12/18 the day I officially found out, when I heard Luke come in our condo around 3pm. When I sleep before going in to work ( I work 7pm-7am twice a week) I usually sleep until 4pm but when I heard him come home, my heart started BEATING OUT OF MY CHEST! I casually came down stairs and sat down on the couch and made some small talk. "How was church?" "Where'd you eat lunch?" and the like. He was playing video games so I knew the moment wasn't right :) I asked if the game he was playing could be his last... he said sure and when he finished playing I told him I had a Christmas present for him. I told him it was Christmas-related so having it be the week of Christmas now, he needed to open it. Earlier that morning I had wrapped a little gift that I bought at Target a couple days earlier when I had a feeling we MIGHT be pregnant. I didn't want to spend a lot incase we weren't expecting. I went under the tree and he opened these up...
Simple... just little Christmas socks. As luke opened them up he was in complete shock and filled with SO much joy! We praised God, hugged forever, I cried, and I spend the next hour before I had to go into work, filling him in on the past 24 hours of finding out! We were elated and so thankful! I can honestly say telling my husband I was pregnant will go down as one of my all time most precious and special memories of my life.
Telling my parents...
In October 2011 my mom called me one day while I was driving in my car and told me she and my dad purchased something for future grandchildren. I told her she really shouldn't do that because who knows what God had in mind for us. It might take another year before becoming pregnant. But I couldn't help but get so excited on how excited she was to buy a "christmas pickle." I had never heard of a christmas pickle, but my parents were in the Fresh Market and found a little ornament shaped like a pickle that you hide in your christmas tree on Christmas morning. It is a German tradition and whichever child finds the pickle first receives a special gift. She thought it would be a fun tradition to have at their "grandparents" home. I thought it was sweet and over the next few weeks she kept calling my future baby (not yet conceived) her "little pickle." It became a little nickname she had for baby, so I knew exactly how we would tell my parents! We were headed into Louisville to visit my parents and other family that tuesday before Christmas (I found out on a Sunday) so waiting 48 hours to tell my parents was SO difficult, especially talking to my mom over the phone and having to keep it a secret! We came to their house pretty late and they were already in bed, asleep. We had to wake them up! We walked into their bed room, turned on the light and Luke walked in holding a big jar of pickles that we tied a red bow around! My dad "got it" away, it took my mom a minute as she was still half asleep. My dad loves pickles so my mom thought we were bringing him some for christmas! She finally got it and it was so sweet to see how thrilled they were! They were shocked and SO excited and definitely decided this was the best Christmas present they could ask for. We stayed up for an hour or so telling them all the details and just rejoicing in God's goodness!
That week we told my whole family! On Wednesday we told my 89 year old grandmother which was so very special (first great grandchild). I only took a few pictures, here are some from that night...
Finding out I was pregnant!
Saturday, February 18, 2012
As I explained in my last post I knew that I ovulated in December and we timed everything just right :) I also forgot to mention to you that when we conceived, a couple hours before trying, I took a swig of Robitussin ( I took it every day for 5 days before ovulation) This is an old wives tale that my aunt used after a long time of trying, and BOOM... she became pregnant that month! I have advised people of this and have heard crazy positive results, so I figured it couldn't hurt. Click here to find out the science behind it. After doing all we could on our part, Luke and I spent the next couple weeks just praying and waiting to be able to take a test.
I read that the VERY earliest you could ever get a positive pregnancy test was 9 days past ovulation. I had purchased bulk pregnancy tests that are very sensitive and were very cheap. You can buy them on for about 50 cents a piece, so you can test often and not have to waste 5 dollars every time. They are also used a lot for IVF so they can detect very small hormone levels. While I read you could find out as early as 9 days past ovulation, 11 or 13 days past was when you usually can tell.
I started testing 9 days past ovulation and knew I didn't want to tell Luke that I was testing, because I wanted to tell him in a special way, not just telling him after peeing on a test. Here were how my results panned out...
I read that the VERY earliest you could ever get a positive pregnancy test was 9 days past ovulation. I had purchased bulk pregnancy tests that are very sensitive and were very cheap. You can buy them on for about 50 cents a piece, so you can test often and not have to waste 5 dollars every time. They are also used a lot for IVF so they can detect very small hormone levels. While I read you could find out as early as 9 days past ovulation, 11 or 13 days past was when you usually can tell.
I started testing 9 days past ovulation and knew I didn't want to tell Luke that I was testing, because I wanted to tell him in a special way, not just telling him after peeing on a test. Here were how my results panned out...
- 9 DPO (days past ovulation) negative.
- 10 DPO at 8 am I COULDN'T believe that I saw the tiniest faintest line that was so light that I had to wonder if my mind was making it appear. Didn't say a word to Luke.
- 10 DPO 4pm, I decided to test again! I know this is obsessive but I was going to work that night and know that your hormone levels increase by the hour so I tested again, and there again was SUCH a faint line.
- I took the two test strips to work that night to show my friends at work. I am an RN and knew I would have to tell my work immediately because as a nurse on my unit, I sometimes take care of patients who have very yucky, contagious diseases that could harm my baby. So I showed all my coworkers that night my two FAINT lines. It felt SO great to tell SOMEONE because I didn't want to tell Luke, my Mom, my sister in-law or any best friends until I could tell them in person.
- All my friends told me they saw a line too! I tested that night at work with a test that they use on patients in the ER. Again, another line, still faint but darker than the other two!
- Came home from work that morning and decided to bring out the expensive tests... the one that has a plus sign if positive and the ever perfect digital test that says PREGNANT or NOT PREGNANT (no guessing to it)
- Got a plus sign! I was starting to actually believe it! But I don't think it would be official to me until I got a positive on the digital...
Sunday morning 12/18/2011 PREGNANT! I had to go back to work that night, so I had to sleep while Luke was at church. Waiting until he got home and after I got some sleep seemed like FOREVER to tell him the good news!
More later :)
Our road to getting pregnant...
Friday, February 17, 2012
First of all I want to thank all of the sweet and supportive love shown to me through JoyfulLife, Facebook and beyond! I am so blessed to have such wonderful and loving friends! Thank you for all of the prayers too. We so treasure them and would love to have them keep coming through this pregnancy :) It feels so wonderful to finally get to share my joy with friends and family! I also apologize for my lack of blogging these last 12 weeks, it has been hard to keep this a secret or want to blog about anything else. I created this blog 4 months before we started trying, in hopes of having a way to keep family and friends updated with this pregnancy, and I feel as if I have been blogging about MANY other subjects while waiting on God's perfect timing.
I will try to not go through too much detail in sharing our journey to getting pregnant because many of you will not care to know the details of fertility issues. For those of you who are struggling to get pregnant or just want to know more of our story, PLEASE email me at I feel like God wants to use my story to reach out to other girls struggling to become pregnant and I know the encouragement that I received from other women going through the same thing gave me so much strength and hope.
In a VERY short outline here was our story...
The control line is on the right and the line on the left needs to be as dark or darker as the line on the left to be positive for ovulation.
I will try to not go through too much detail in sharing our journey to getting pregnant because many of you will not care to know the details of fertility issues. For those of you who are struggling to get pregnant or just want to know more of our story, PLEASE email me at I feel like God wants to use my story to reach out to other girls struggling to become pregnant and I know the encouragement that I received from other women going through the same thing gave me so much strength and hope.
In a VERY short outline here was our story...
- Went off of the birth control pill January 2011.
- Went to my OBGYN in April since I never got a period since coming off the pill.
- Diagnosed with Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) you can learn about that Here.
- Started Metformin to regulate my cycles, but it never worked so I had to take progesterone to induce a cycle every month for three months.
- Started Clomid (fertility med) in September with no success. Bumped clomid from 50mg to 100 mg in October, no success.
- In November I had a period ON MY OWN for the first time the whole year. Sorry for the details :)
- I was supposed to be referred to an infertility specialist in December but since my body was doing what it was supposed to, they gave me one more chance with Clomid.
- Got a positive ovulation test in december. This is the first time I ovulated all year. Again, sorry for the details.

- We had "Ovulation Jubilation" (thanks Summer) at work that night when I was cramping all night long. Yay!
- I became pregnant THAT month! Praise God!
Sorry if that was lengthy and or boring. A lot of this is for my own records :) I feel so blessed that I always knew why I wasn't becoming pregnant... You can't become pregnant if you aren't ovulating. I was so thankful that I had an amazing team of doctors that helped me do so to achieve pregnancy. It was almost a year, which seemed scary and doubtful at the time, but looking back I feel UNBELIEVABLY blessed to become pregnant so fast, relatively speaking. My heart goes out and aches for those struggling with infertility, but just know that God can work miracles. He is a God that answers prayers.
Dreaming of Summer...
Thursday, February 16, 2012
This weather is so yucky, which has me thinking about all things Summer. Heres what I'm looking forward to for Summer 2012...
But most of all what I am looking forward to this summer....
After a year of trying, God has blessed us TWICE! We are expecting TWINS!!!!! We give God all the Glory and couldn't be happier for this August :)
But most of all what I am looking forward to this summer....
After a year of trying, God has blessed us TWICE! We are expecting TWINS!!!!! We give God all the Glory and couldn't be happier for this August :)
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