I got to spend about 10 minutes with Hadley just one on one while Jack Henry was still waking up from his nap. It is so special for me when I get to spend one on one with my babies, a time I always treasure. It was a gorgeous day here in Texas today and Hadley woke up from her nap so excited to blow bubbles so that is what we did and I love the sequence of pictures that really capture her personality. Here is my Hadley girl at two and a half...
33 weeks with baby Walker...
Thursday, March 26, 2015
So I am 34 weeks tomorrow and keep putting off the chalkboard and now here it is my last night being 33 weeks and I'm watching my Kentucky Wildcats when I realize I need to do the chalkboard. Just hanging out comfy and not really caring here :/ Excited for my 34 week appointment in the morning and I painted sweet Walker's nursery today! I'm loving how its turned out! Now to get it all ready for him as he will be here in 6 weeks or less! We are SO excited and it is starting to feel closer! I am SO excited to meet him but also wanting to just soak in every minute of these last special weeks carrying him. Also thought it would be fun to wear the same outfit to really get a good comparison...
Symptoms: Starting to take heartburn meds every other day and my sciatica has been under control this week! Feeling big but feeling goods still!
Stretch Marks? nothing new still.
Sleep? Still hanging on to good sleep!
Movement? TONS of big movements where you can see my belly move like crazy under my cloths.
Cravings? A whole food's brownie didn't hurt me tonight!
Gender? Boy
Belly Button In or Out? Out!
Symptoms: Starting to take heartburn meds every other day and my sciatica has been under control this week! Feeling big but feeling goods still!
Best moment of the week? Painting his nursery and getting maternity pictures taken!
What I am looking forward to: Our appointment tomorrow!
Momma Sue and G-Pop
Monday, March 23, 2015
We had such a fun time with my parents last week and were able to take a few pics at Grapevine Lake before they left for the airpot...
32 Weeks with baby Walker...
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
I can't believe I have less than 2 months to go! I am still doing well and am really enjoying this pregnancy! I am getting physically tired a bit easier these days and as we speak I've got some mild heartburn but its not really consistent enough to take daily medicine for it yet. I am still comfortable for the most part, with moments of discomfort and pretty much anywhere I go, people say I must be getting close. Close? eh, kinda if you count 8 more weeks as close :) Really though, it is starting to feel a bit more real and starting to feel closer! We are getting SO excited!
This was also a sad day looking back at where we were at 32 weeks pregnant with the twins. Luke's brother had just been in a car accident and was in the hospital before he went to be with the Lord just 3 days after my 4th of July chalkboard picture was taken. It takes me back to such a dark and strange last stage of my pregnancy with the twins. You can read that post Here.
This was also a sad day looking back at where we were at 32 weeks pregnant with the twins. Luke's brother had just been in a car accident and was in the hospital before he went to be with the Lord just 3 days after my 4th of July chalkboard picture was taken. It takes me back to such a dark and strange last stage of my pregnancy with the twins. You can read that post Here.
31 weeks with baby #3....
Thursday, March 12, 2015
I feel like this is when I became HUGE with the twins, so I am definitely feeling the difference here...
Maternity Clothes? YES!!
Stretch Marks? Nothing new yet
Sleep? Still sleeping well.
Movement? Lots :) And Love every little move!
Cravings? Cherry Lime-ade
Gender? Boy
Belly Button In or Out? Totally Out!
Symptoms: This week I have been pretty symptom free!
Best moment of the week? Having another healthy ultrasound
What I am looking forward to: Counting down single digit weeks!
Maternity Clothes? YES!!
Stretch Marks? Nothing new yet
Sleep? Still sleeping well.
Movement? Lots :) And Love every little move!
Cravings? Cherry Lime-ade
Gender? Boy
Belly Button In or Out? Totally Out!
Symptoms: This week I have been pretty symptom free!
Best moment of the week? Having another healthy ultrasound
What I am looking forward to: Counting down single digit weeks!
30 weeks with baby #3...
Thursday, March 5, 2015
This week, the littles wanted in on the fun :)
Maternity Clothes? Getting harder to wear maternity cloths, getting small!
Stretch Marks? I still think they are the same from the twins, nothing new.
Sleep? Still sleeping good!
Movement? Lots :) And Love every little move!
Cravings? No bake cookies this week!
Gender? Boy
Belly Button In or Out? Out!
Symptoms: Heart burn and sciatica have been acting up a bit again this week. Belly is starting to feel heavy and at times it is starting to become a challenge getting comfortable.
Best moment of the week? Getting out all of the baby boy stuff I have, making things a bit more real.
What I am looking forward to: My ultrasound was supposed to be today but it was cancelled due to the snow and ice here in DFW so I will have to reschedule for next week. Also having my inlaws come this weekend and my parents coming next week!
Capturing Personality....
Monday, March 2, 2015
Trust me, it is hard to get a "good" picture of two, two year olds at the same time but when I go through my camera and look at some of the funny and sweet shots, I am thankful that while I can't frame some of these, I can capture their personalities perfectly :) Here are my two sweeties during our little shoot...
The twins are two and a half!
Sunday, March 1, 2015
I know everyone says it, but it is true, where does the time go? I feel like I JUST brought these little ones home from the hospital and now here we are at two and a half. I feel like SO MUCH change has happened in these last 6 months since turning 2. The biggest change has been their vocab. They can FULL ON talk now. They were saying lots of words at 2, but now they can ask questions, make statements and can pretty much say just about anything. They are learning SO much everyday and have really enjoyed the last 6 months of being in preschool. They love their friends and all the fun activities they get to participate in. Potty training and transitioning out of their cribs into individual rooms are the next big transitions we are about to tackle. Jack Henry and Hadley are certainly best friends. They of course have their moments, but more times than not, they are always talking with each other, laughing together and playing together. Hadley is so kind to brother and it seems she is becoming the less dominate twin now. I think that kind of started since school has started. Jack Henry has a harder time sharing with sister, but his heart is so big for her in so many ways. There are certainly challenges that come with age 2 and I feel like we are constantly training and correcting but for the most part, they are so very good. We can go just about anywhere without a stroller and they practice enough self control to follow mommy or daddy in a store and obey so well. The pictures below are from the park yesterday and they were pretty sweaty and dirty, but hey, thats reality when you are two and a half!
Jack Henry. You are incredibly sweet and incredibly adorable!! You are very chatty and social, and this has come out more and more since starting school. You love your group of little boy friends at school and you can be pretty wild with them which we are always working on practicing self control and obedience but your social side really loves to come out (like momma.) You are a great eater, definitely the better of the two. Your favorite color is blue and you love Thomas, Frozen (especially Olaf) cars, trains, Mickey Mouse and all things boy! You love when fun music comes on and you still love to dance. You sing so many songs, your favorites being Jesus loves me, itsy bitsy spider and ABC's. You still are a great sleeper just like your sister. You love to go down slides and have become less and less timid. You are not shy and while you have a harder time obeying and understanding, you have been really making great progress and are still a fabulously well behaved boy for the most part, especially when I see other boys your age, I am totally impressed. You are daddy's boy but want momma when you are hurt or sad or scared. You always feel lots of shame when you are in trouble which is precious. You do not like spankings and will usually always pick the right choice when a spanking is part of the option. You love picking out the "bad guys" in anything we watch on TV. You have such a kind heart and are so joyful. You are more emotional than sister and more outgoing than her too. You mostly call yourself "brother" but also call yourself "jackery" at times. You call Hadley "hat-ley" and love to say " come on Hat-ley" You are so special and joy filled and we pray and know God will use you for his kingdom. I love you my sweet boy!
Sweet Hadley girl, you are precious. You are very obedient and a rule follower. You are shy at times, and we are working on looking adults in the eyes even when you don't want to. You love all things girly! Anything pink and purple and sparkly! You love Minnie, Frozen and are starting to get into Disney princesses. You love preschool and you are so very smart! You love to read books and can't stand it when there is not a bow in your hair (good girl) You are a great sleeper and have a great appetite but are pickier than your brother. You respond very well to discipline and we don't have to discipline you often! You share very well and are usually very sweet to your brother. You are such a little momma, loving baby dolls and I think you are going to have so much fun with baby Walker! Your teacher Miss Beverly says you are ready to start potty training so I think we are starting with you first! You are a mommy's girl all the way around but of course love your daddy too! You can be a little sassy at times but do well when we correct you. You are my sweet sweet girl and I love that you are going to have two brothers to love and protect you. You are special and you are God's girl. I always say "you are beautiful" and then you say "like a beautiful princess" and when I ask you who made you beautiful, you respond with "God made me beautiful" It is so precious and I pray you will continue to develop a heart for Him.

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