Walker is 4 months!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

We just become more blown away with how good, sweet, amazing and just PRECIOUS this baby is each and every day. I feel like time is flying by,but then again, I can't believe he has only been with us four short months. It feels as if he has always been a part of our family and I just can't picture our family or our lives without him. He is such a gift who we praise God for daily!

Updates.... He is still a BIG BOY! We go to the doctor in a few weeks for his checkup and stats so I am excited to see how he is doing! 

A few weeks ago (at 3.5 months) he began going from 7-9 hours at night to 10-12 hour at night and is now consistently hitting 12! HAPPY MOMMA! He has only waken once at night (and goes immediately back down without crying, SERIOUSLY ya'll) since he was about a month but just getting a FULL night of sleep is certainly wonderful!

He is SO happy all the time. Like, seriously, you just have to make eye contact with this boy and he gives an open mouth smile instantly!

As of about a week ago, we are on a 4 hour feeding schedule. He is still exclusively breastfed and eats at 8, 12, 4, and 8 again. Great nurser, gets the job done in about 10-20 minutes.

A few weeks ago, we stopped swaddling him and now he just sleeps in his sleep sack. I am wondering if this is what was preventing him from doing the super long stretches as he is so happy being swaddle free now. He is just so huge he was busting through all my swaddles... even the miracle blanket with another swaddle on top. The twins were 5 an 6 months before they quit swaddling so this was early for us.

He still hates tummy time and has a flat head. Not a good combo. His head is so heavy its hard for him to do good tummy time but we are working on it and doing everything we can to prevent a helmet. 

He has really found his voice and loves to coo and screech. It is so precious. 

He also has found his hands and loves putting them in his mouth.

We play "where is Walky?". It is where we keep asking where is __________ (who who ever is holding him) until he makes eye contact with us and then we cheer "You found him!!" (or her.) and he squeals with delight. 

He conintues to love his brother and sister and is just the most content little guy. 

He is taking two long naps 2-2.5 hours and then one little cat nap in the evening. 

Walker Luke, you are our joy! 

1 comment:

  1. Has he always been a great day napper? My guy sleeps great at night but has a hard time sleeping long stretches during the day. Would the Baby Wise book be good for napping tips??


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